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Saturday, 08 August 2009


United States Parachute Association

USPA has more than 32,000 members now, but let us not forget our roots. August 16 is National Airborne Day, and we wish to express our gratitude and salute those who braved the skies and paved the way for our sport to grow. You were forever changed. Tears and blood were shed. Lives were lost. But because of you, we will always return to the sky. Thank you. Read our blog, and help us celebrate our past.

Tuesday, 30 June 2009


TL 96 Sting - leicht und sicher

Der TL 2000 Sting - in Deutschland als TL 96 Sting in ergänzender Musterprüfung zugelassen - ist eine überzeugende Weiterentwicklung des erfolgreichen TL 96 Star.

Monday, 15 June 2009


Willkommen bei Skydive Seedorf

Freifallsport Luftlandebrigade 31 e.V.

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